Hands-On Canadian History


Canadian history needs to be made more exciting, more interactive, more “real.” I want to help make that happen so I’ve put together 31 activities that you can easily do at home with your kids while you study our country’s history.

Want a peek inside?  Hands-On History Sample

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Canadian history needs to be made more exciting, more interactive, more “real.” I want to help make that happen so I’ve put together 31 activities that you can easily do at home with your kids while you study our country’s history.

Here are the topics covered:

  1. First Nations
  2. Vikings
  3. Early Explorers
  4. Fur Trade
  5. New France
  6. Seven Years War
  7. War of 1812
  8. Rebellion of 1837
  9. Underground Railroad
  10. Confederation
  11. When the Provinces/Territories Joined Canada
  12. The Canadian Railroad
  13. Louis Riel / The Metis
  14. Klondike Gold Rush
  15. Residential Schools
  16. Boer War
  17. World War I
  18. Halifax Explosion
  19. Women’s Rights
  20. The Bluenose
  21. Inventors
  22. The Great Depression
  23. World War II
  24. Japanese Internment Camps
  25. St. Lawrence Seaway
  26. The Canadian Flag
  27. Official Languages
  28. Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  29. Canadian Money
  30. Great Canadians
  31. The Prime Ministers of Canada

What can you expect?

For each topic, I will share an activity or resource that you can use to get interactive with each moment of history. Some of them are creative, some are action based, some are printable, some involve research, and others are games that we’ve created for you. I had my kids helping me plan and test our ideas along the way. We had fun putting them all together for you.

Wherever possible, I’ve included additional resources so you can learn more or go more in-depth if you want to.

It’s time to take Canada’s history from boring to fun.

What age range is it for?

I designed these activities to use with my boys who were between 8-12 years old, but I feel like most of them are able to used with children of all ages – with adaptations as needed.


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