
Sold By: Home and School Solutions

Comprehensive and flexible system for planning lessons and recording achievement for one student (or family) in one place. Choose the parts that you need and ignore the rest, or use the whole thing! Here are the components of a complete system to put into your own binder:

  • Front cover (and back cover)
  • Binder spine label (2 options–wide 2.13″ or narrow 1.06″)
  • Introductory letter and detailed instructions and notes (this is the first of several pages)
  • Sample pages such as this one
  • Title page (front) and Publication Information (back)
  • Academic Year Title Page (front) and Record of Achievement (back). The ROA page has “list” and “no-list” versions of the Daily Log so you can use my list of subjects or input your own
  • Unit Title Page (front) and General Preparations Page (back)
  • Preparation Checklist (front)
  • Inventory of Resources and Resource Details page. The Resource page has “list” and “no-list” versions of the daily log. List your curriculum resources for the current year plus any coding you might devise for them
  • Record of Attendance and Record of Time Spent page (has “list” and “no-list” versions). Write down days attended, days sick, etc., and write down time spent on each subject per month
  • 1-Day Lesson Planning Goal Sheet (optional). This shows the basic format of all the main lesson planning pages. Has “list” and “no-list” versions. It is printed on both sides of the page, with 1 day per side. It is provided so your child can try setting his own goals or planning his own lessons while you keep control of the daily logs
  • 5-day Lesson Planning Goal Sheet (optional). Has “list” and “no-list” versions. It is printed on both sides of the page, with 5 days per side. It is provided so your child can try setting his own goals or planning his own lessons while you keep control of the daily logs
  • Weekly Log (optional). Has “list” and “no-list” versions. It is printed on both sides of the page, with 5 days per side. It is provided in case you wish to schedule an entire week of lessons for one student per side. Could be split vertically to schedule two days per side for one child or to schedule one day per side for two children
  • Daily log. This is the core of the lesson planning system. The pages look very much like the 1-Day Lesson Planning Goal Sheet. It is printed on both sides of page, with 1 day per side. It has “list” and “no-list” versions. The “list” version has 16 subject titles inserted for you (plus one blank that you can use for a special subject). On the “list” version I have grouped and shaded subjects that are typically taught together (e.g. Social Studies, Field Trips, Health Safety, etc.) or that could be considered as parts of a subject (e.g. Language Arts). The “no-list” version has no subject titles listed. This permits you to insert your own subject titles

Please disregard any reference to customization services in the material you receive when you purchase this product, since this is an instant download. Also note that all contact information is out-of-date.